Wednesday, August 02, 2006

"..And You Don't Stop 30 years of Hip Hop" Part 1

I can be hard on people who I feel have horrible tastes in music, I know that and I will never stop being the biggest of Hip Hop snobs.(Sorry, the insufferable prick in me will always be there) But being only a casual comic book and having brief conversations of the genre with hardcore fans like ISelfra, Luke Cage, and Clarence, it seems that the whole world of comics would open up to be if I had a greater concept of history concerning the genre. Because of this I have to just assume that the current state of Hip Hop and the proverbial shit stains that people consider legitimate artists nowadays, it's my assumption that people just don't have a firm grasp of the history of Hip Hop and that explains their piss poor tastes. That being said, I will do my best to drop certain jewels to possibly enlighten the unenlightened. I'm not claiming that I know it all, I don't and can learn from all of you to be totally honest, but occasionally I will do my best to further Hip Hop in the right direction..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the clip. Learned something new today...